Thursday, September 29, 2011


Just a little self-validating follow up for a couple of blog entries....

Creepy Kids:
I was perusing the interwebs (interwebs, by the way, is my favorite obnoxious term for the internet), and I came across a slideshow called "18 Creepy Movie/TV Kids", and lo and behold, a good majority of my own creepy kids made it on the list!  Granted, some of the kids were not the same "version" of the kids on my list.  Like, they had the new Omen child, and I had the original one.  And vice versa on Village of the Damned.  But, still, these listmakers obviously know their creepy kids...

I read an article saying that people are suing companies over the use of the label "all natural" as basically being fraud against consumers.  The article notes that the FDA has not really defined "all natural," and has only said that it's anything that is "not artificial or synthetic".  But, of course, what is the difference between those and how are they defined?  In my blog post on the topic, I posited that it was almost impossible to define "all natural" in a way that could be uniformly applied.

So, I say... good luck with that, FDA.  Enjoy the lawsuits.  How about we just ban the use of the term "all natural"?  Problem solved!

Judgmental Librarian:
A few weeks ago, we went out with some friends that live close to us, and we got to talking about books.  I said that I had been reading a lot, getting books from the county library.  My friend said that he always hates going to the library because he feels like one of the librarians is critiquing his book selection when he checks out.  I said, "I completely know who you mean.  Is it the guy?  Because he is so unpleasant."  He replied, "Yes!  I definitely know who you are talking about."  I informed him of the new self check-out, and he was very pleased to not have to deal with Judgmental Librarian, as well.

I felt so validated.

And, also, what is better than avoiding Judgmental Librarian with self check-out?  Checking out e-books on my Nook and completely avoiding any contact with the actual library at all!  Also, there is no way you can forget to return an e-book because it just disappears at the end of the rental period.  Magic!  Technology!

Orby, Our Backyard Spider:
I am sad to report that, due to gale force winds in a recent storm, Orby has disappeared.  I am sad to report this for two reasons:  1. I never got to see him eat a cricket (thought, we did feed him a fly, and it was just as awesome as I had imagined it would be), and  2. He could be anywhere now... and will undoubtedly scare the bejeesus out of me when I find him... or his progeny...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Embarrassingly, Blissfully Unaware...

The other night, we were watching the presidential address, and I turned to my husband and asked him, "What's our vice president's name again?"  I seriously drew a total blank on the name of our vice president.  I also had to ask who the Speaker of the House was.

At first, I was kind of embarrassed that I know so little about politics, especially the people running our country. Actually, if you asked me right now, I don't think I could name my state's senators.  They all just blend together - past senators, present senators, people who ran for Senate... I could randomly name people that I know are associated with the Senate somehow, but could not put my finger on who is currently serving.  You would think that, being an attorney and a PoliSci/History double major, I would know more about the government.  But, you'd be wrong.  I truly know embarrassingly little about the governance of our country.

After being embarrassed for a second, I realized that it made no difference to me who these people were.  My life is totally content without an exhaustive knowledge of politics.  I remember when I used to care about politics quite a bit, but eventually I became disillusioned with both sides and exhausted by the effort it took to care about it.  I decided that I thought our political system was broken, and I could not support either side.  It was disheartening to me to debate politics with people who were so intolerant of other's views and those who just blindly followed their party platforms without using their own brain.  And, this came at me from both sides... as I agreed with each party on different things.  Finally, I was driven to apathy and decided to stop following politics or even talking about it unless someone absolutely wanted to and could do so rationally.  I still vote, but I vote Libertarian on anything I can and "any other third party candidate" on everything else.  I have to describe myself as Libertarian because that's the closest I can get to a label that I feel I can associate myself with.  And, if I can throw support behind the thing I "most" agree with, great.  When it's not an option, I throw votes to anyone who isn't part of the current system.  I am happy to endorse any kind of change (except like, the evil kind...).

And, rather than spend my time being angry about the way the country is headed, or disgusted by party politics and the attendant garbage, I spend my time being blissfully unaware.  You know what matters to me?  My life.  My family, my friends, my job, my happiness.  You know what doesn't matter to me?  Politics and all of the lies, broken promises, intolerance, and general contentiousness that accompany it.  At the end of the day, why waste my energy on that?  Why let that be another stressor in my already crowded life?  Why invest so much of my well-being in something I have no control over and can only react to as an observer?  Watching coverage of political topics on TV or on news sites makes me feel depressed and disgusted.  "He's wrong, she's wrong... he's a philanderer... she's an idiot.  You have to be stupid to believe that.  My way is the only way.  I'm right.  They're horrible people because they don't agree with me.  He's rich, so he'll win."  Blah, blah, BLAH.  No one seems to focus on actually making America better, at least not beyond the campaign promises.  Congress can only work together on things like approving a memorial day for 9/11 victims.  That's something everyone can get behind.  Creating jobs in America and boosting the economy?  Not unless there's something in it for them, and specifically, something they can point to for re-election.  Gotta please the base!

I guess I should clarify that I am relatively informed on most of the major issues in politics.  I have an informed opinion about most political/social issues, and for those on which I am not informed, I remain apathetic.  I do still vote in all major elections, and even some not-so-major ones.  I just don't get too invested, which is good, since my candidates will never win.

People say that ignorance is bliss.  Some people say that ignorance is stupidity.... or laziness.... or whatever else it is that people say.  In this case, for me, ignorance is bliss.  It truly makes my life happier to not care about politics.  Does this make me uninformed?  Yes.  Does it make me stupid?  No.  Do I care that I'm uninformed?  Again, a big no.  I don't feel I am a "bad citizen" for keeping myself out of the political discourse.  In fact, I feel I am an ideal citizen because I am choosing a path for myself that makes me a happier, more productive, and more well-adjusted person.  This has to have a positive effect on the world around me, and thus, I am helping America by remaining blissfully unaware.  It is not the path for everyone... after all, someone has to care about politics.  I applaud those people, not only because of their dedication to their convictions, but also because they make it possible for me to remain a mainly apathetic observer.  We are all different pieces of the American puzzle, and I am happy with where I fit.

Somewhat embarrassingly, but definitely blissfully, unaware...