Ok, it has been a LONG time since I last posted. This summer swallowed me even worse than last year's! And, it's not just summer. My life is just insanely busy right now. I can't really complain too much because I do it to myself, but it's still quite hectic. I need a time-turner, Hermione style!
So, this summer was amazing... because I went on my first-ever two week vacation! We went to the British Isles after Steve took the bar exam. We spent a few days in London, then did an eight day cruise of the Channel Islands, Ireland, and Scotland. Everything was spectacular, and I already have a few spots I'd like to revisit. Of course I do... I'd vacation 24/7 if I was independently wealthy. But... I'm not. At least not until I become J.K. Rowling, like in my dreams. Ahhh....
This summer, I also took a second job. People think I'm nuts because, hey, I'm an attorney. I make loads of money, right? WRONG. I'm really not complaining. I do fine, but I got to the point where I had no extra money after paying bills every month, and I wanted extra money. And, I really did want to do something productive in my "free" time, so I found a job that was flexible and that I thought I'd enjoy. So, I'm working teaching test prep courses for Princeton Review. I trained for ACT and SAT classes, and I just started teaching my first course. But, the trainings were a full weekend a piece, plus all of this outside prep work. The classes are 3 hour lectures 2 times a week, plus all the prep work... but once I have a few classes under my belt, I should not need as much prep. It pays pretty decent... better than retail or something, I'd imagine. And, I'm influencing young minds. Mwa ha ha! Watch out world...
Now that fall is here, church choir is back, too. So, we practice one night a week, plus sing every Sunday, of course! We also are involved in a young adult group at church, which usually meets one night per week for "fellowship", which usually involves drinks and nerdy strategy games, lol. I love our church!
Northwestern football is back in full swing now, too! Steve is the VP of programming for our local alumni club, so we have been attending every game watch party that we can on Saturdays. I also joined the alumni admissions council, so I help with college fairs and conduct admissions interviews when they roll around. We are very involved with our alma mater, and I'm hoping to go to an awesome bowl game this year. GO 'CATS!
We are also swimming in veggies from our CSA, and I feel like I'm neglecting them because I barely have time to cook. Ugh. I have vowed to cook our share this week before our next share arrives Saturday. Ha, we'll see...
Oh, and my mother has finally accepted that I'm not having babies anytime soon. Victory!
Really, I'm not. Like, I'm drinking a delicious alcoholic beverage as I type this, so get any thoughts of pregnancy out of your head. Yes, I'm drinking at 9:45 on a Sunday night. What of it?
Now that the hottest summer in my life is over, it's time to get back to running. I'm a wuss and couldn't handle the heat... then, you know, I kind of fell down the stairs on our cruise and bruised my shinbone pretty bad. It took 2 months to heal, and I'm ready to get back in the saddle... err... shoes. The goal is a half marathon next year! Or, maybe another 10k... we'll see how "committed" I am this year...