Monday, April 11, 2011


Ok, so I am generally one of those people who thinks that anything popular cannot be "good."  By definition, something that is popular is liked by a lot of different people... and I think anything that appeals to the masses has to be base and terrible.  Is that an elitist view on life?  Perhaps.  For a long time, I avoided anything "popular."  For instance, I didn't read the Harry Potter books until the last one came out.  I avoid popular reality shows like the plague.  CBS comedies are not on my list.  I just figure popular things are "lowest common denominator", and I like to try to hold myself to higher standards when it comes to my entertainment... I feel like I should be enriched by my leisure activities in some way.  But, what I actually like and want is totally different from the quasi-intellectual, high-brow, alternative existence I like to imagine for myself.

What do I actually like?  Vampires.  I do.  I love vampires.  Anything related to vampires... I am a total sucker.  Granted, I liked them before they were the *it* thing.  I loved Buffy when it was on the air, and I think that is where my obsession began.  I tried so hard to resist the Twilight books... but gave in after all the books were out and enough friends had suggested them to me that I felt left out of conversations.  So, I borrowed the first two books to read.  I then had to immediately buy the next two books because I *had* to know what happened next.  I ended up reading the entire 4-book series in less than a week.  I get slightly crazy when I read book series.  I think subconsciously that is why I wait until the entire series is out so I can sit down and read them back to back.  Harry Potter 1-7 took me a little over a week.  I was on vacation in Florida, and I sat and read the dang books the whole time.  I skipped social activities because I had "things I needed to do"... ie read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in one sitting.

After Twilight, I felt empty with no vampires in my life.  Imagine my joy when the show Vampire Diaries emerges.  Not only is it vampires... it is chocked full of superhot men.  I swear, every single male character on that show is gorgeous.  And, some of them are vampires!  Bonus!  (As an aside, Robert Pattinson is the worst vampire ever... I find him odd looking and not at all attractive, sadly).  I mean, ok, let's have a little peek at who is on the show:

Damon:  beautiful bad boy with a heart of gold.  Aka: every girl's fantasy.  Also, a vampire.

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Stefan:  model boyfriend, a true "good guy".  Also, a vampire.

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Tyler:  tough-guy jock hiding a tender heart.  Also, super buff.  And, a werewolf...

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Matt:  main character's ex-boyfriend and All-American guy.  

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Jeremy:  main character's brother, sensitive, inappropriately young eye candy (on the show, anyway).

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The hotness never ends on this show.  I could post more, but I digress... 

Anyway, what was I saying?  Oh yes, vampires.  So, I like Vampire Diaries so much I can't even call it a guilty pleasure with a straight face anymore.  I LOVE IT.  There, I said it.  I legitimately love this show!  I am a 26 year old professional woman, and I love Vampire Diaries!  Yes, on the CW.

I also love True Blood.  I was turned on to the show right around Season 3.  So, I watched the first two seasons online, then had to watch the third season in real time.  That was like TORTURE.  I really love just watching 6 episodes in a row... or a whole season in a day.  Again, the craziness like with the books.  So, after Season 3 was over... the thought of having to wait 9 months for the next season seemed terrible.  So, I bought the book series it was based on.  Well, a six-book set.  Then, when I finished those, I started buying the remaining books... and then actually got a library card to check out the last book when I didn't want to pay hardcover prices.  It's a sickness!  Thank God it is coming back in a few months because I'm out of books!  Also, True Blood has another hottie vampire favorite of mine... Eric:

Oh, and Alcide, who is up there in terms of werewolf hotness with Tyler from Vampire Diaries:

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When a show has both vampires AND hot men... I am most definitely there.  Keep up the good work, Vampire Diaries and True Blood!  Feeding my addiction with endless amounts of eye candy...

1 comment:

  1. Allie from LiveStrongApril 28, 2011 at 3:16 PM

    Thanks for changing your settings. I wasn't sure why it wouldn't let me comment.

    Just so you feel a little better about enjoying Vampire Diaries and other vampire-related material, there are two other attorneys here that also watch that as well as True Blood and read books about them. We are not alone! It's ok to be intelligent adult women who also enjoy some fantasy.... :-)
