Sunday, April 17, 2011

You do NOT swallow spiders in your sleep.

I'm sure everyone has heard the "statistic" about how many spiders a person swallows every year.  I confess that this freaked me out more than I would like to admit.  And, today, I found out this is a complete MYTH.  You do not swallow spiders in your sleep!

You have no idea the load this takes off of my mind.  I seriously worried about swallowing spiders in my sleep for the longest time.  I would check my bed for spiders every night and worry every time I felt the slightest sensation on my skin, sure it was a spider readying for the attack.  I just always hoped the spiders waited until I was asleep to crawl in my mouth, because I'm pretty sure I would have had a heart attack if they had done so while I was awake.

Perpetuating this myth as reality in my mind was an unsettling encounter I had about 2 years ago.  (As an aside, my mother always told me if I didn't make my bed, spiders would get in it.  Not sure if this is true...)  Two years ago, I was living in an apartment by myself while studying for the bar exam, and my husband was living in another city.  So, I was basically living like a hobo... I had no real furniture.  I had wicker outdoor furniture as my "living room", a card table and chairs as my "dining room", and a blow-up mattress on the floor as my bedroom.  That was it.  So, one morning I woke up on my blow-up mattress, and I can feel something on my hand, I thought it was a stray hair or something.  I look down, and a relatively large spider is CRAWLING ON MY HAND.  I am actually surprised at my level of consciousness at that moment, but I thought to myself "I don't want to freak out and startle it, because then it will bite me, run away, and I will never find it... and it will forever be creeping around my apartment."  So, I slowly reached for a tissue and grabbed it and smashed it...and flushed it.  Cool head led to desired result:  the spider was gone forever.  But, this encounter solidified in my head that spiders crawl on you while you are asleep and you swallow them.  After all, I woke up to one crawling on me!!!  I slept wrapped up in covers after that, making sure my covers could not touch the floor, as I was convinced that was how the spider got to me.  I am glad to report that I have yet to see another spider crawling on me when I awake in the mornings.

Today, I saw a spider (pretty sure it was a brown recluse) crawling by the garden hose.  I freaked a bit and smashed it - sorry PETA.  But, this led me to wonder if these things were inside my house crawling in my beds, yet again.  So, I actually looked up the "statistic" about swallowing spiders on the internet, and multiple sources confirmed it was false.  My sanity thanks you, internet gods.

I can now sleep at night, knowing that this is not happening:

image via

By the way, that image is incredibly disturbing and will probably give me nightmares.  Creepy kids are the worst.  Alas, that is a subject for another blog.  I seriously think this girl could marry the kid from The Ring.

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